About Morah Leah

Tekoa Festival Hoshana Raba

Morah Leah
Morah Leah Urso lives in Israel where she holds music classes for pre-schoolers, and teaches violin
and mandolin. She is also an English teacher in the Israeli school system. Leah has a B.S. degree in
Child Development and Learning, an M.Ed. in Special Education, and has worked as a Special Education teacher and Educational Consultant in the U.S.
Morah Leah writes original Jewish music for children and performs in the U.S. and Israel, including concerts, festivals, dayschools, and camps. As a songwriter and studio fiddler, leah has appeared on professional recordings as well as producing her own CDs. Her husband, Yoseph, often accompanies her on guitar and banjo. Together they have made videos that have been featured on Chabad.org. and Rabbi Lazer Brody's site.
Leah and Yoseph made aliyah in 2004 from Nashville, Tennessee, and they now live in Modiin, Israel. While living in Nashville, Leah taught Sunday School at Congregation Sherith Israel under the auspices of Rabbi Zalman Posner z"l . As a teacher, she realized the need for quality Jewish children's songs and so began writing songs for her students. She soon had enough songs to create her first CD," Mitzvot, Mitzvot, Everyday!" which features some of Nashville's finest country music musicians. Her second CD, "I Can See the Stars", was produced in Tekoa, Israel.
Leah also writes children's stories, and hopes to soon publish her first book.